18 June 2008

growing up

sometimes i look at kai and he is such a little boy. still like a baby, just a little bigger.

he's developing more every day though, and it's crazy to watch him grow up before my eyes. i'm glad i've had some time recently to spend with him at this stage. it's so easy to say that i'll have more time tomorrow, or next week, or next year, and before you know it you've missed too much time. i'm setting goals now to ensure that if it happens to me, it will only be after all of my best efforts to grow right along with him.

Alicia, I feel the same way as a mom :)
hey alicia! kai is super cute! i love the video of him!! jeremiah is really hands on, too! SO FUN! miss ya!
Hey, wasn't that Rick speaking?

Kai doesn't look so big next to that giant door. :) But in the second pic, he really does look like his father's boy.
holla at me

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